Sunday, November 23, 2008

Waiting Game...

Well I was sworn-in on November 13th, and the waiting game has been in full-swing ever since. Today starts week 2 of serving as Peace Corps volunteer away from my site. Weno is not terrible (in fact, with the help of the other Volunteers here, it's been kinda fun), but it is not Satawan. Via Gmail chat today, my friend Marc asked whether I felt relaxed. I can't say that it's relaxing being here, but I don't feel stressed either. I feel like I'm in an awkward limbo, waiting for a plane that keeps getting delayed, thinking about packing (but not actually doing so), and just slowly moving about the city.

Things I am enjoying include: the community of volunteers (PCVs, Jesuits, Australians, Japanese), morning walks with Michael & Suzi (M74 PCVs), soft-serve ice cream at Asa store, Dr. Christine @ Sefin clinic and I are on a first-name basis (I electrocuted myself last week by stepping on an open wire in the frayed wire of my fan cord), reading in the hammock when the wind blows, the scenery, and the kids that are everywhere.

Also, I bought rat-poison and I've taken care of that problem. And I am reading books like it's nobody's business. Book I highly recommend: Jeffrey Sachs's Common Wealth. Book I do not recommend: Adam Shepard's Scratch Beginnings. If you read them or have read them, please let me know. I'd love to chat ya up.

Might be getting dive certified in the next week or two... I just got quoted $395.00 to get certified, so if I can't find it cheaper, then I'm skipping on that idea.

All for now...


Anonymous said...

I miss you and love you!

Unknown said...

I think I got dive certified in Iron Mountain for $90. But then, that was in the community center pool.

Sasha said...

so wait.. you've been sworn in for 2 weeks but haven't been to your site yet? craaazy. I swear in friday.

Anonymous said...

It does seem that you are waiting in the right season. Advent is all about waiting. Take this time to really listen to what God is saying and to see what God is doing. It's much easier to pay attention when life has slowed down.


Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,

Here's a message from your uncle Gary and your brother Ben. It was great hearing from you over the phone, we want to make sure you're doing alright.

igulig said...

Kapong Alex!

Kilisou for sharing with us what you read. Sach's claim that we can solve any problems we have undermines white folk moral bankruptcy of the last two centuries. Whether it is handing out of Holy Communion on Spanish muskets in the Micronesian Islands or the Brits and Americans regulating oil-rich Arab countries with self interest.

The Crusader mentality and tactic of hiding behind the cross while exploiting the minds and natural resources countries must be regulated. Absolute greed can't be tamed according to Thomas Hobbe, but can be regulated by absolute sound governance.

A blonde blue-eyed Jesus subconcious in Moch, so is the can of spam that came with his framed picture last christmas.

Every economist knows 'he who has the biggest gun rules the world'. Yes.

I personally recommend these two books for Peace Corp volunteers to Micronesia:

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

Confession of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins.

Keep up the good work!