Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Some of the volunteers and myself celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday at a restaurant by our office, which served a giant buffet, complete with two turkeys, mashed potatoes and gravy, a pig, and desserts galore. Jake (VA native, serving on Romanum), Michael (OH native, serving on Ta), Suzi (OH native serving on Kuttu), and I went around and told what we were thankful for on this most delicious of holidays. Family, new friends, a great volunteer community, faith, High Tide Restaurant for providing the meal, the weather, and sharing this experience of a lifetime.

Here are some more things that I am thankful for, especially today.

1. Telephones, which allowed me to call home and talk to my extended family and find out first-hand how the Lions are destroying Michigan.
2. Rain, which comes with cooling wind, and replenishes our source of running water.
3. The internet and email, which apart from keeping me in touch with my best friends, has enabled a number of neat conversational opportunities with Kristin (PCV Benin) and the author of Scratch Beginnings.
4. My brother and this new-fangled ukulele; without Ben's know-how, I'd still be tuning it in front of the computer...
5. You, for reading this, thinking about me, and offering support in so many ways.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Abby said...

We're thankful for you, too - we certainly wouldnt' want to be the ones with rats falling on our sleeping selves! I'm glad to hear you could have a nice thansgiving dinner out there. If only we could have sent you some snow...

Anonymous said...

I thank God for you. Grace and peace to you and to all the volunteers serving so far from home. May God continue to "rain."

Anonymous said...

Happy Day after Thanksgiving to you too (I think you are a day ahead of us?). Darci, the kids & I were all so thankful to be at your parents’ house when you called. The house was full of all the usual relatives/suspects and we were all hanging on every word your spoke. I can’t begin to explain the emotions in the room or how proud everyone was. It was such a blessing – not because your call distracted everyone from the atrocity that is the Detroit Lions or thoughts of yet another doomed high draft pick – but because it reminded us how thankful we are for each other. While there is a very small part of me that is glad you are half way around the world and not tormenting Darci and I at the Faley’s pool (like you famously did in your adolescents), the rest of me and my family is praying for you to continue God’s plans for you and return home safely to all of us! With love - Darci, Luke, Rachel, Gary & Kate!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for fairness!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for you, and our agape. Which Matt says stands for "always give alex presents everyday." :)

Unknown said...

So it's a little late but Happy Thanksgiving! I'm "studying" for finals right now.. itunes open and all. "Jitter Bug" just came on.. it reminded me of you.. not just because of your obnoxious dancing but because of your post about the ants.. that I actually laughed out loud about. Try not to get electrocuted anymore ok? You're gonna give my mom, if not your mom a damn heart attack. Enjoy your ice cream/rain/children.
Love love!
- Yolanda

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,

It's Abby Stefek (From High School) I noticed there was another Abby writing on here so I thought I would clarify which Abby I am. I did your moms hair tonight and she gave me your blog address...I must say it's been pretty fun reading all your entries. You're so blessed to have this once in a lifetime opportunity, and I hope you continue to have a great time! So excited to read what's next for you. Have fun!!!


Joseph said...

I'm thankful for all the presenting cougars out there!

Nick said...

Thanks for the words.

Nick (Suzi's dad)