Sunday, March 15, 2009

island living

I have been off Satowan for one week now, and I can safely say that, although being connected with news and family has been a huge emotional boost, I can’t wait until I get back out there. Truth be told, I did not expect such a powerful pull to draw me back – at least, not this soon. Maybe the ocean currents have seeped into my blood, and like the undertow after a big wave breaks on the reef, my subconscious is saying ‘go back, go home.’

Landing in Pohnpei on Monday was a HUGE culture shock. That sentence alone might not mean much, but realize two things: Pohnpei is the size of Swartz Creek, and Satowan is the size of (if not smaller) than the United Methodist Church of Swartz Creek. If you can imagine living inside a community the size of the church for 3 months, and then exiting the front doors one day and rediscovering Swartz Creek, you might just be in for a surprise. Seeing cars, taxi drivers, other “Western” people, restaurants, hustle-and-bustle, and signs was like information overload. In some ways, it stands as a harbinger of the culture shock yet to come when I arrive back stateside after my service. The familiarity and intimacy you get from being in such close quarters to so few people explodes into a dizzying anonymity when you leave the comfort zone.

Now I am back in Weno, and I feel more comfortable here, even though Chuuk is basically a failed state, in terms of development, economics, and politics. [I’ll save my observations on the political scene (we are in a run-off election right now) for private emails and conversations.] Weno is much smaller than Pohnpei, and I am more “at home” here, with a host family, faces and people that I recognize from my earlier 3 months of training, and, of course, a common language that ties it all together. In no small way, communication represents the defining linkage between me and my community here in Micronesia; as my language understanding and vocabulary improves, so, too, does my sense of relationship and connection. Without these attributes, I wouldn’t have lasted as long as I have, nor would I have the strength, will, or desire to continue on.

Lest I paint a picture of roses without thorns, I must be honest that the first three months have been a difficult stretch. Peace Corps warned us that the initial weeks of service would be the toughest – initial culture shock, difficulty of being immersed in a new language, emotional stress of being without contact/communication, and having to deal with new stresses without the ability to rely on old stress-relief mechanisms. I am now officially a professional in each of the four preceding categories, having struggled, at times valiantly and at times like a baby, through it all. Like the last post, I feel like I have come through the Refiner’s fire, and I’m shining like new! Hopefully my personal development will be somewhat evidenced in these posts as I reflect on the past three months and answer your questions. Keep ‘em coming!



Nick said...

Ran allem!!!

And say Hi to Suzi and Mike when you go back. And also Emau(How do yo spell his name?).

Nick Noble

Anonymous said...

ok I thought of another question. How many polar bears and/or smoke monsters have you encountered so far?

Unknown said...

Alex, how is your host father on Satowan? And, also, if Satowan is the size of the church how big is the school? Have you taught any of the students euchre? It's nice that you can be back in touch for a while. love & prayers, Terry T

Alex said...

hi Nick!!! i will pass on your greetings to Snuze & Gall-icious. in fact, i just sent headlice shampoo and bio-derm soap out to Kuttu on the pukiel.

keith- polar bears had already been killed and eaten before i got out here. that said, there is a skull remnant that guards the door to my local house. as for smo.. mon.... whoops - looks like each time i try and type in smo.. mon.... well i'll be darned! i guess the island won't let me expl........

terry, Satowan has about 500 people living on it, which i think is actually smaller than our membership, but larger than actual attendance. but i might be wrong. Mortlocks HS has 165 students, and they all come from each of the mortlocks islands: satawan, ta, oneop, lekinioch, kuttu, moch, etal, namoluk, losap, and nema.

Unknown said...

thanks Alex...and is your host father feeling ok now?

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex
We'll keep the Burt's Bug Balm coming. Evidently, there is a balm in Satawan to heal the bug bit soul....bad ...sorry...anyway, Pat and I are getting our heads around the relocation thing - nothing like what you've been through. I'm pretty sure they at least speak the same language where we're going!! We'll try to take a tip from you and travel light!
We love you and you're in our prayers - Pat and Lu