Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Welcome to my blog. I wish I could guarantee that I'll be posting regularly when I'm abroad, but my internet access will be sparse at best. I leave on September 9 for LA, where I undergo "Orientation Training" for 2 days. Then off to Kolonia, Pohnpei in Micronesia where I will stay for 2 months for my project training. If all goes well, I will be sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer in November.

As of today, my "job description" is deceptively straightforward: English teacher. In Peace Corps-speak, that can mean "Teacher of Math" or "Teacher of English-teachers" or "Teacher of the English Language to 4987 Different Audiences". It should come as no surprise that Micronesians need help learning this language...

I'll also be a Community Development Worker. This is about as vague a title as any in the Peace Corps, but for good reason. CDWs help individual villages and communities initiate and complete their own "beneficial" projects, which vary with the needs and wants of individual villages. I use "beneficence" merely to say that the projects are community-inspired and community-driven, and thus, when completed, should (hopefully) accomplish a means to some end that, otherwise, wouldn't be. Like I said, vague.

There is no "universal" language in Micronesia, even though the language of government is, in fact, English. One reason that PCVs are being recruited to teach English is the need of the country to have citizens who can interact in this "increasingly globalized order." (Editor's Note: Throughout this post, phrases in quotation marks are those which make the author physically ill to write or say alone.)

I'm going to get back to shopping and packing some things. Leave comments if you have questions, and I can do another post in a few days answering them. I have changed the settings so anyone can post comments - you need not be a member of this blog.



Abby said...

Hey Alex -
Sorry I missed the party at church for you, I wanted to tell you that you're an amazing kid. Best of luck in your next phase of life, and enjoy all the nice hot showers you get for the next week ;)
I will be watching for your blog updates, sporadic as they may be. Isn't the internet amazing? Otherwise we'd never know how you were doing out there.
One question - where is Micronesia?
:) Abby

Nick said...

Good luck on your PC adventure. Monica and I are excited to hear about your projects when they get started!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Dear "Alex"

Good luck. I "know" you'll do "well."

"Enjoy" LA.


Anonymous said...


Dad and I are so proud of you!! Keep your eyes peeled for God sightings and know that he is always with you. Remember to share him with others.

Love you,
Dad and Mom

LuAnn said...

What can I say - I think you win the prize for 'going the distance' to make disciples. Remember - God goes before you and beside you and above you and below you and He's got your back.
Grace, peace, and abundant favor,

Anonymous said...


Community organizer (this may still guide you into has worked for one other....)

Best of luck -understand that you are about to live out an experience 99% of the population can only read about.

Your cuz -josh

huffyron said...


Best of luck with your big adventure. Let us knw if there is anything you need for the kids over there.

Ron & Ronda Huffman

Anonymous said...

Alex, I know your up in the air right now, but I wanted you to know your in my prayers and I already miss you!!!!!

Love you much

Aunt Stacie

soun laid said...

Hi Alex!

I just wanted to thank you and all the PCV for all that you do.